
First Post!

This is my first entry on Blogspot.com and I'm quite excited! I'm excited that this is one of my few commitments in which I want to do long-term. I've had a blog on Xanga but being that Xanga is no longer popular [ ; ( ], I've decided to move some of my more public entries here!

There have been some interesting reads, and I'm inspired to focus on one of my passions, which is
fashion. Yay! I've been inspired by many blogs on Blogspot.com to do a personal blog about a part of myself that I seldom share with my friends and family.

Although I've accustomed myself with Xanga (I've been with them since 2003!), Xanga has too many unwanted advertisements and I'd rather keep my blog simple. I guess that means relearning my HTML. It's going to be a drag, but somewhat of an adventure. But of course, like life, this blog is going to be always
under construction.

I can't wait to read many of the blogs out there and hopefully I have some insight to write on here other than this mundane update. Btw, I have NO idea while I titled my blog, The Customs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there.. thanks for your lovely comment on my blog the other day. Yes, I am living in Indonesia. Good luck on building up your blog, can't wait to see what's coming ^_^

